

Mov’IT ITALIA is the Italian headquarters of the Dutch company Mov’IT - International Business Consultancy. The services are managed and distributed through Spotlight P.D.S. snc.
We offer dedicated activities and consultancy for commercial initiatives related to the world of tourism and events, putting our experience and our knowledge at the disposal of all types of accommodation facilities and companies.
Our staff has an excellent knowledge of the most widespread languages in the world (Italian, English, Spanish, German, Dutch, French, Swedish, Arabic, Croatian, Romanian, Albanian) and of the different cultural
aspects that distinguish the various ethnic groups.

This allows us to be performing primarily in the planning and development phase of our customers’ international commercial growth plans, customizing each initiative and strategy according to the needs and individual requests.


Living within the world of tourism and all the aspects that make it up is a real passion for us, before being our job.
Each project we follow is like a child to be raised with love.
What we offer, in addition to our passion, is the experience gained over the years in the following sectors:

- administrative
- marketing
- development of international commercial strategies
- use of new technologies
- management
- staff research and training
- entertainment
- welcome and customer care



We strongly believe that the growth of the quality standards of each single sector and the attention to details are the winning weapons to achieve a high approval rating from guests, which is directly proportional to the growth in terms of turnover.
We are sure that a guest that will live an holiday experience without any problem from the beginning till the end, will be very willing to take advantage of all the services that the structure offers.
(Bar, restaurant, SPA, beauty center, excursions, car / motorbike / bike rentals, boutiques, etc.)
The natural consequence, of what we support, is the expansion of the loyal customers, which will be the ever-growing base from which to start planning investments and future improvements.



We study and identify the intrinsic resources of the business with which we collaborate and those that the area in which it is located offers.
We reorganize and improve all existing services and create new ones, with the aim of keeping the investment cost as close to zero as possible and immediately generating an increase in profits.
We carry out an in-depth study on the feedback left by customers on the main booking platforms and at the facility.
We plan and develop web and non-web marketing plans, with original creative contents whose goal is to offer all services, differentiating ourselves from competitors.
We identify and classify from the most to the least urgent, all the problems or deficiencies in the various sectors that require immediate action. The goal is to carefully place the resources made available to the property.
Periodic training of staff and meetings with area managers are the basis for maintaining a high level of services offered and standards. This enables the collaborators to feel even more part of the project and more empowered.
Foresight. It is another focal point of our consultancy. All the investments, changes and projects we propose are always designed to meet the needs of the present, but already performing and suitable to meet future ones.


Our team of professionals dedicated to the web area deals with the creation of advertising campaigns, videos, graphics, websites and social media management.
We take care of your project from the creative phase to the artistic choice up to the promotion.
We are the ideal partner to find the most suitable solutions that allow your ideas to become a success.




To facilitate the union between management and accommodation facilities growth, we have created three types of holiday experience, Hospitality, friendliness, staff internationalization and cutting-edge proposals regarding trendy activities are the fundamental points of our concept of an unforgettable holiday experience.
The three basic packages we offer are completely customizable based on the characteristics and needs of the structures.


Mov’IT Zen creates an unforgettable experience of relaxation for your guests.
The activities of this package are exclusive and managed by accredited and certified professionals.
A relaxing vacation for us means that guests leave in their suitcase the city life stress. Many activities and ideas are at your disposal to create a personalized and exclusive entertainment program.
Here are some examples:
Yoga at sunset Marine biology History of the Stars Show Cooking Activities


Mov’IT Family creates a fantastic vacation experience for all family members. We offer a biweekly program, suitable for the entertainment of guests of all ages.
More than a thousand games, sports and recreational activities in our archive allow us to organize our program anytime, anywhere.
This package always guarantees excellent participation results thanks to the holiday atmosphere that our staff create.


Mov’IT Now is the right choice for an energetic holiday full of activities.
All activities are organized and managed by highly qualified staff, with an entertainment program updated on the latest trends.
Our goal is to create moments of carefree aggregation.
Color Run & Fun Professional Live Show guest show International comedy
“NOW” #IsPartTime



Our structure allows us to be a reliable and complete partner for the organization of corporate and public events.
We take care of every need, idea and desire, always finding the right compromise between investment and excellent success.
We guarantee the highest quality and professionalism with highly qualified staff.



We take care of the organization of Conventions, Team Building, Family Days and recreational activities with an artistic background.
Our commitment is 360 °: we look for the best location and the catering service suited to the customer’s needs, we organize and we manage scheduled activities, create personalized themed gadgets, produce photos and video reports.
All thanks to a highly professional and specialized staff.
All events are managed in collaboration with our partner company Team Up & Partners S.R.L.


We organize concerts, shows and personalized themed events.
In our portfolio we can boast unpublished shows of our production and music festivals / concerts, in which we organize and manage side activities and the presentation of the show.
All events are managed in collaboration with the professionals of the Big Up Factory and Fiero Dischi.




Powered by Spotlight P.D.S. snc

Via Andorno 22, 10153 - Torino
VAT 11396490010
Mobile +393451825761
Phone 0110467259